She / Her
Aqua Spa Owner and Float Ambassador Tammy defines high-energy, compassion, and outright fun! An ever-smiling approach to life, Tammy believes floating is pure bliss, and that personal wellness should be part of each and every individual journey! When you meet her, you can sense her infectious enthusiasm, can-do attitude, and she’s that someone you want to have hold your hand through your Aqua Spa experience. She’s the sister you never had, and the one you always wanted! A background in communications, marketing and sales, Tammy and her life-partner Terry LeRoi, oversee all daily activities related to the spa and boutique, sharing in the growth, promotion, vision and execution of Aqua Spa! In addition to the float center, she operates a local dinner theatre company, Theatre Du Jour; is a goldsmith and marketing/social media coordinator with international fine body jewelry company LeRoi, Inc.; and board member/producer with the theater/production troop Oswego Players. Tammy enjoys her blissful float sessions to deepen her self-meditation and creativity and loves teaching others to fight through and overcome their own individual obstacles in life. Tammy herself works through her own challenges with Lupus on a daily basis, through healthy eating, float and other spa therapies, and a commitment to wellness.