NAD+ IV Nutrient Therapy - Aqua Spa Float Center


NAD+ IV Therapy features nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme of B3 that is found in all living cells in the body. This coenzyme mediates calcium levels and regulates antioxidant function, gene expression, cellular energy production, and DNA repair. This intramuscular shot or IV infusion supports the slowing of the aging process.

Possible Benefits

  • Increases cellular energy
  • Promotes DNA repair
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Regulates antioxidant function
  • Improves mood
  • Supports pain management

What To Expect

Your medical history and provider discretion will determine your personal protocol regarding the number of IM injections needed prior to an NAD+ IV Infusion. Our current client treatment protocol is as follows –

First Visit | Week One – 50mg NAD+ IM Injection

Second Visit | Week Two – 50mg NAD+ IM Injection

Third Visit | Week Three – 100mg NAD+ IM Injection

Fourth Visit | Week Four – 100mg NAD+ IM Injection

After the fourth week and your reaction has been determined, you may begin receiving an infusion. If you are considering NAD+, please provide us with the following information at your consultation:

Have you had an NAD+ injection or infusion in the past? If so, how long ago was your last treatment and what dosage did you receive?

Do you have any blood pressure or cardiac related history? If yes, we may need additional information on your health history.

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