Oxygen Bar Oswego NY | Oxygen Bar Syracuse NY | Oxygen Bar Upstate NY

Did you know that only 10% of our energy comes from food and water? What about the other 90%? Well, it comes from oxygen! Oxygen Therapy at the Aqua Spa offers pure oxygen infused with aromatherapy. The air we breathe contains about 21% oxygen while the O2 at our oxygen bar contains about 95%. That’s over 4 times more oxygen!

Everyday things like stress, alcohol, lack of sleep and physical strain deplete our oxygen levels. Science shows that increased oxygenation levels have numerous physical and emotional benefits. This additional oxygen provides a boost in energy that’s great for athletes after a workout or for those who need a quick pick-me-up after a long day.

So, get re-energized and rejuvenated at our state-of-the-art oxygen bar.


  • Quickly remedies headaches, migraines and hangovers
  • Relieves muscle stiffness and fatigue
  • Calms the mind and nervous system to improve memory and thinking
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Eases digestion by increasing bacteria breakdown speed

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