Recovery & Performance - IV Nutrient Therapy - Aqua Spa Float Center


Designed to help shorten the time of recovery after an injury and potentially improve athletic ability, this infusion contains premium-quality compounds that can help promote improved performance and overall wellness.

Possible Benefits

  • Decreases recovery time
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Replenishes essential nutrients
  • Reduces inflammation

What’s Inside

Olympia Vita Complex

This mixture is packed with B-complex vitamins, which may help keep skin and blood cells healthy and convert nutrients into energy.

Olympia Mineral Blend

This essential blend of minerals helps reverse the effects of dehydration, remove toxins and replenish vitamins.

Amino Blend

This blend of essential amino acids can help enhance athletic performance, decrease muscle loss, burn fat more quickly and improve metabolism speed.

Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid can act as an antioxidant that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen and boost immunity.

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