Kathlene Mahaffey - Aqua Spa Float Center
(315) 207-2080

Kathlene (AKA Katie) is also a rock star. Well not literally like Terry, but in the public relations, business and leadership sense. She’s another great wellness friend and ambassador that you will get to know at Aqua Spa. A graduate of SUNY Oswego in 2016, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations, Minor in Business Administration, with a concentration in Leadership. We told you she was a rock star! Katie naturally gravitated to the Aqua Spa Float Center because she wanted a career where she can make a difference in people’s lives! That’s pretty cool so we are going to keep her, and we know she will surely make a difference! She says too that float therapy helps her own challenges with anxiety, stress and just the busy lifestyle that comes with the digital culture of today! Katie is a really, really good writer, and maintains the Aqua Spa blog and assists with other copywriting and marketing efforts too. She has worked previously as an associate copywriter at Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, and helps Tammy with Theatre Du Jour marketing and production. Also, any thoughts on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, just ask her. She knows. Plus, she can scuba dive, and that’s really cool!

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