This is a great question floaty friends!
We are here to tell you that floating is a practice. It is a personal journey and the benefits of floating are limitless and cumulative. Just like with any type of skill, it takes time to perfect. And, after your first time float experience, each time you float, it gets easier. Whether you’re floating for pain, meditation or recovery, you should take the time to find your sweet spot. So, how often should you float to get the most benefits?
For first-timers, we recommend floating three times to really get into a comfortable place. The first time you float – there is a lot of information to absorb. You may just be getting used to the idea. Your mind may be overactive. The second time – you have all the facts and you are ready to try it again… the third time is usually the charm! You can enter the tank with less anxiety simply because you’ve gathered your info and you’ve done it before. It’s starting to feel like “home”. You might set an intention or simply commit to letting go and getting the most out of this magical session! Once you have three floats under your belt, you can better gauge how each has made you feel and how you felt in the time between.
If you’re ready to start your float therapy journey, click here to purchase a float package.
What are the benefits of frequent float therapy?
Pain Relief
For those with chronic pain, floating regularly can help ease inflammation. First-time floaters can enjoy the anti-inflammatory properties of Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) in the water and the changes it makes in your body, easing inflammation and the pains that accompany it. Athletes find the therapy beneficial for sore muscles after a vigorous workout.
Aqua Spa Owner / Float Ambassador Tammy Wilkinson says she generally gets 3 to 5 pain-free days whenever she floats. It keeps her inflammation (from Lupus) at bay. “It also quiets my overactive mind and gives me a zen-like aura for days and I sincerely appreciate that!”
Stress Relief
Are you looking to de-stress? Floating twice a month may be right for you. Do you have a high-pressure profession? You may see bigger benefits by coming in once or twice a week. Floating for just 60 minutes can lower your cortisol (stress hormone) levels as much as 60%. Plus, floating always lowers your blood pressure. This is due to your body’s relaxed state when it’s not weighted down by gravity.
“Results indicate that the flotation condition significantly reduced blood pressure and increased subjective relaxation…the patient’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly more than subjects who only did guided relaxation tapes…It is suggested that floating may be used to treat essential hypertension.” (Jacobs, Heilbronner, Stanley, 1984)
Insomnia Relief
When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or you’re just not feeling rested, floating at similar times each week can get you into a better sleep routine. During your first time float experience, your heart rate will lower and you’ll find that floating gets you to a deeper sleep state that you may not be reaching. And, floating provides an uninterrupted experience in a soundproofed environment to prevent all disruptions.
According to a recent True REST poll, 80% of clients surveyed have fallen asleep in the pod. Falling asleep in the pod can look like a lot of things. It can be slipping into that state only to be woken up when the music comes back on at the end. It can be that feeling of restlessness waking you up only to then realize that you must have been partially asleep at some point. Or, it can even be that feeling of deep relaxation on the edge of sleep for the entire duration. But what is the benefit of sleeping while floating? According to research, one hour of delta sleep is equivalent to 6 to 8 hours of very deep sleep. No matter your state of sleep during your session, know that many others hit some state of slumber during their time and sleeping in the pod is by no means a wasted float!
Athletes use floating to recover from intense activity, workouts and training. After your first time float experience, you’ll have reduced muscle soreness and improved circulation. On another note, there are studies that show floating can help with addiction recovery. For muscle soreness, you can incorporate floating into your regular workout routine to see the most benefits!
Aqua Spa Owner / Float Ambassador Terry LeRoi says that the floating environment calms his mind and nervous system and greatly reduces the negative effects of gravity on his body. Additionally, a 60 or 90 minute float in the magnesium rich water gives him an incredibly restful deep sleep, which allows his body to recover from his workouts and the days activities.
Enhance your mental clarity and creativity by floating as needed. Floating for meditation, mental exercise or to improve focus can help in many areas of your life. Try floating before a competition, when experiencing writer’s block, or when you just need a boost.