Bloggers First Float - Aqua Spa Float Center
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My First Float

Hi everyone! Katie here. Today was my first experience with floating. Read on for a first-hand account of my first time float experience.

As I stepped into the Samadhi float tank, I was alone with my thoughts for probably the first time ever. I didn’t worry about who was texting me or what I was missing out on like I thought I would. With a true “fear of missing out” and self-induced anxiety over trivial everyday things, I found myself literally checking all my worries at the door. Once I stepped in, I was focused on only myself.

Having been interested in the zero-gravity sleep positions that come with adjustable bases, I thought floating might be a complementary experience with similar benefits—and I was right!

Getting comfortable took some time—my neck wasn’t quite trusting of salt’s buoyancy and my legs felt strange. But I found a comforting position. Having no strain on any muscles was magical as I’d never felt that sensation before. Then, about halfway through my 90-minute float, I hit a level of extreme comfort and I felt very calm and clear-headed. It was seriously amazing! I felt as if I was adrift in the ocean and it was very freeing. Feeling as light as a feather, I could hear my heartbeat and blood flowing.

Post-float, I also felt the effects. My skin was softer and my muscles were relaxed. Having a desk job has resulted in some uncomfortable muscle pain in my legs and back but to my surprise, I couldn’t feel any discomfort in either place.

Still feeling the refreshing effects the next day, I hope make floating a regular addition to my week so I can feel less anxious and more relaxed.

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