Microneedling FAQ - Aqua Spa Float Center
(315) 207-2080


  • What is microneedling?

    An anti-aging, minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. Also known as collagen induction therapy (CIT) microneedling treatments help to lift and tighten the patient’s skin while improving the texture for younger looking skin. Using your body’s natural healing ability, a microneedling procedure involves hundreds of tiny skin micro injuries, inducing the body to produce collagen and elastin (the healing protein found in skin that gives structure to your skin), which in essence makes your skin fuller and plumper. This in effect begins to erase the signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles and also heals scars and other skin pigmentations.

  • How does a microneedling procedure work?

    Our certified aesthetician will utilize a single use disposable sterilized microneedling pen. The pen, which contains a needle head cartridge with many needle points, is rolled across the face, which then pricks the skin hundreds of times. A numbing cream is often applied beforehand for optimal comfort. Our hyaluronic acid serum and growth factor serum applied during the treatment which enhances collagen production. This process is repeated until the entire face is treated. After the microneedling procedure is complete, a healing serum is applied to the skin for optimum healing and effects.

  • How long does a microneedling procedure take?

    The typical microneedling procedure lasts about 45 minutes, which includes the application of the numbing cream and the serums.

  • Does a microneedling procedure hurt?

    This depends on how sensitive your skin is. But generally you will feel minimal discomfort and your skin may be more sensitive in naturally thinner or sensitive areas such as around the eyes and mouth. It may be described as “uncomfortable.” If a numbing cream is used, this discomfort is greatly reduced.

  • What are the results of a microneedling procedure?

    The results of a microneedling procedure are amazing! Immediately afterwards, clients report experiencing glowing skin for a few days. Full results will be visible after about 2-4 weeks after the swelling goes down. You will continue to see fuller, plumper skin for months after your treatment. 

  • How will I look following the procedure?

    After a microneedling procedure, your face may appear pinkish with slight swelling present. Our aestheticians compare it to a mild sunburn. Superficial tiny point bleeding may may occur briefly. Your skin will feel tighter and fuller almost immediately!

  • Is one microneedling skin treatment procedure enough?

    Again, this will vary from client to client, depending on their skin condition and the results they are seeking. Usually, a series of 4-5 treatment sessions for microneedling is needed, spaced apart by about a month or so. For advanced signs of photoaging, stretch marks, and acne scars, often more treatments are needed for optimal results. 

  • What is the recovery time after a microneedling procedure?

    Recovery time is very, very minimal. Your skin may be slightly swollen, and may remain pink for up to 48 hours after the procedure. Using our line of hyaluronic acid and creams, many of which are specifically formulated to compliment a microneedling procedure such as our Hydrating Cleanser and  Cellular Renewal Serum, will help reduce this inflammation. You can resume your normal activities immediately afterwards with little to no impact on your daily life. However, it is recommended to forego makeup for a few days afterwards due to the pores being opened and are in the healing process.

  • How much does a microneedling procedure cost?

    Again, this varies. The cost of a microneedling procedure is typically in the low hundreds of dollars–significantly less than other cosmetic procedures such as facelifts.

  • Who is the ideal candidate for microneedling procedures?

    We want to stress that microneedling procedures are for everyone! Microneedling works on all skin types for so many skin conditions. Microneedling is for all those looking to improve their skin texture, regenerate tissue, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, scars, and stretch marks.

  • Is a microneedling procedure worth it?

    We feel that microneedling is the solution for those who want to look younger and feel better about their appearance. Microneedling is a quick procedure that can take years off your looks. This all natural collagen induction therapy initiates the body’s innate healing response and will leave you feeling amazing and more self-confident, naturally. Contact the Aqua Spa today for all of your microneedling procedure needs!

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